If you knew that you had a destiny and that your anxiety and suffering had a purpose would you be able to tolerate and act differently.
Would it make you less anxious and more focussed? It is your ‘Soul’ that is suffering, your 'Soul' is crying, your 'Soul' is in pain. When we weep for other’s we are given a clue to our own deep routed destiny, forging in the fire of pain our personal power. If you look at that part of your life as a calling understand that your ‘Mission Should You Choose to Accept It ‘…… is to do or be something specific!
Imagine this and we can imagine because since we are given an imagination we are able to conceive our lives in many layers. We can feel the hurt of today, the memories and repercussion of the pain of our past, aim reconcile those pains, plan for tomorrow, act for today and know that while all this is going on we have a river that runs through us which is deep and echoes our feelings and speaks to us about which way to go. That is the destiny concept, which is called ‘amor fati’.
Perhaps some cultures call it past lives which we re-enact until we have spiritual enlightenment or fulfilment. Or is it a soul craving for a destiny which is better than where
we began not in material gain, but in invisible knowledge and spiritual power. The creation of our personal new 'Soul’s' world through the acting out of our 'Soul’s' drama. If all your actions in that given moment are destined to change your fate and that certain actions are your ‘golden acts’ which advance your existence. Those ‘Golden Acts’ which appear to be small, invisible, insignificant are the biggest and boldest in the realm of your psychical cosmic time. That those small measures, not concerning money, or visible acts of kindness and the acts that appear to cost us or our future wellness, but deciding to benefit someone else’s life when we could benefit our own. The Golden Act appears, to the outside eye, to diminish our opportunity but in fact enhances another’s life or is the morally right thing to do. That is not to steal when given the opportunity or just because it's there and momentarily takes away pain. To save another’s life rather than think of our own. To let our child live rather than ourselves. Not to steal something or from someone because we are in pain. Basically, by taking the feeling right action regardless of the personal cost reorganises the pattern of our emotions and echoes through vibrations in the energy of not only our world and others.
The right thing in our lives is most often known deep down inside. We know what is right and wrong. We know that if we act in a certain way that we have disturbed our universe; our microcosm which impacts on our personal individual macrocosm that in turn changes our universe. That one act makes an impact in this life’s moment. They are the seemingly small decisions, but they are the largest and can affect our life in the most positive. This is the making of our personality and our character on all layers.
It is not easy to understand because we are all unique and our destiny is based on a compliment of atoms which have come together in our time to create our individual, unique human existence. If we listen closely enough, we can hear our inner intelligence telling us what is right for us. It is a voice, which if unheard causes anxiety and causes stress. It is not about money, or climate change, or power, or celebrity status, but it can impact on some of those if we recognise that with our 'Soul' is in command. It is in resonance with the community and our actions which impact on the well-being of others.
We fundamentally, are here to live in a communal setting and the motivation, the intent and actions of today impact not only our lives tomorrow or our family’s lives creating the epigenetic echo. We recognise our destiny which resonates through time, through our genes, through the atoms which talk to each other, the ‘flap of a butterfly’s wing’. But much, much, more than that we impact on the world’s community which is resonates within the World’s Soul’ the ‘Anima Mundi.’
Doing the right thing because it is the right thing not the most rewarding claims the path for our Soul’s purpose and impacts on our Fate. This is how we live our destiny.